Tuesday 13 December 2011


This is my first blog. I dont have much know how in English. But i would like to say somethings important to this known world. So i choose english.

Every living knows the importance of H2O-water. Water is woven into life. Water can control even great civilisations also. We know our great civilisations were lived near Great rivers. Hence nurturing,progress even death of a civilisation can happen becase of water. In ancient india when saraswathi river started changing direction of flow our great civilisation came to an end, you might have read this in puranas.

Now we are facing another form of destruction between keralites and Tamlians. Mullaperiyar water issue and safety. May be its my opinion about this issue,what ia have heard,read,thought that i would like to share.

I will list it out as follows,

1. 1896 November 18th British rulers of Madras and Travancore Kingdom (samantharajyam) built the dam ,now called Mullaperiyar dam under the agreement that for 99 years water will be supplied to Madras (Tamil nadu). After some years since agreement was old, due to some reason the 99 years was got erased and instead of 99 years 999 years was written for advantage. Think whether British government will ask for 999 years of water supply since the Dam life expected may be less than 100.

2. After freedom, in 1970 Kerala goverment lead by C Achyuthamenon renewed this agreement. The 999 years may be writtwn that time. Also given permission to build smaller dams in the downstream of this water supply (actually permitted to reduce the water level in Mullaperiyar dam for water reservation for irrigation) and also generation of electricity. At this time itself Dam was 77 years old.

3. Mullaperiyar dam is old enough to break if considerable earth quake near to vicinity of dam occurs frequently which will cause huge flow of water to downstream flow path. May be this can be supported by IDukki Dam or not, if wrong happens there are small dams down stream of this which is weaker than Mullaperiyar dam. If this happens Three districts Kottayam,Idukki,Ernakulam will be mostly racing together to become the smallest state of kerala,nothisng will be left.

4. Reduction of water level is one option to avoid this. This will affect electricity production in tamil nadu,that is why they are resisiting this request. Even they are not giving electricity to us.

5. New dam is that an option. Sevral questions are raised. Each deviations in nature will cause problems. Dams are built against nature for sake of human living or needs. When dam is built the water level in that area will increase and the region near to the dam will be flooded with water it will affect the living there. Now here new dam is proposed near o Periyar Tiger Reservation forest , if it built there some parts of Kumily (Idukki) will be under water and cause livings in that reservatory. This has to be foreseen. Even to give same water quantity,for new dam water level has tobe even higher. This studies are not done.

6. Polititians pay differnetly here. They know if directly asking for a new dam (with dam lobby) people will not allow that (silentvalley,pooyamkutty,athirappilly resistance). So they drove poerple like this what is happening now. This will make easy path for new dam. Truely required or not we have to think again. Dam building will take at least 10 years, during that period can we say that Dam is safe it will not break. No not sure so study on it. Try to re habilitate the people for surronding vicinity of dam now itself instead of putting cameras. Then think about the environmental problems which will be created by new dam. Our capabilty of dam building. Then paln for it.

7. Why Tamil Nadu is not agreeing this new dam even they are offered to give same quanitity of water from it. Think of it. New dam means new agreement, may be valid for only dam life that is 50 or 60 years. The money requirement also will go up. Do you think anybody wants it. Instead of Lakhs , crores and supply up to 50 years instead of 999 years (even manipultaed number).

Think my people. Think Think Think.........

1 comment:

  1. Post is good manu. Expecting malayalam posts in future
